Once upon a time there was a boy named Jere. Jere was lonely and shy boy. He didn`t have any siblings with whom to play. But luckily he wasn`t all alone. You see, Jere had a dog called Tom. Tom wasn`t just an ordinary creature for Jere, he was more than that. In fact Tom was the best friend of Jere`s.
However everything wasn`t as it used to be. Tom wasn`t a lovely puppy. He was old and fragile and he was about to die soon. Eventually it happened, Tom passed away and Jere was miserable. But luckily it didn`t take much time for Jere to get over this sadness. He just pushed the button of his Tamagotchi and the “dog” was reborn.
Janne Naakka
Myllytulli 8A
Arvosana: 9
P.S. Tää on mun paras englannin aine mitä oon kirjottanu ja ottakaa huomioon, että mun englanti on todistuksessa 5. Löysin tän aineen tänään tutkiessani monistepinkkaa hyllyssäni. 😀
(Artikkelin kommentit poistettu 2024)