Tässä tulee mun parhaat New York vinkit. Erityisesti viime reissun jälkeen olette toivoneet Nyki vinkit -postausta, joten nyt päätin sellaisen tehdä. Olen ollut suurkaupungissa moneen otteeseen viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana ja itse asiassa laskin, että...
Hey guys! We spent the day we left and the day before that shopping in panic; eight days in New York had passed by so fast! There were still many stores on the list that we wanted to visit. I wanted to find, for example, books by YouTubers such as Connor Franta and...
Hey guys! After coming back to Finland from the States I’ve been dragged to every single direction every single day. I’ve ran from one meeting to another with different companies and on top of them I have my own projects, meetings, events, interviews and a...
Hey guys! The eight day in New York City started with a morning stroll first at Central Park and then at the Brooklyn Bridge. The views in NYC are so breathtaking that one doesn’t even understand how much one walks every single day and at the end of the day feet...